Chandanni MiglinoHi, it’s Chandanni ! It’s been a while since we’ve connected and I want to pause for a moment to welcome in the fall together.
No matter where you are in the world the autumn and winter months bring about harvest, incubation, and retreat of some kind where we commune and celebrate togetherness through the ceremony, ritual, and tradition. During the seasonal change, we at CHANDANNI.COM invite our friends and family to cleanse—safely—and give our bodies and minds a break from our usual grind and lifestyle habits.
Our 14 DAY AYURVEDIC LIVER CLEANSE is a unique seasonal retreat that resets not only the liver but the entire body through a simple process of elimination.
It’s a funny thing cleansing. It is so transforming yet many people either resist it or go to extreme measures to starve their body or fast entirely. In Ayurveda we only fast under very particular conditions, recognizing that the body needs fuel and nourishment to function optimally. We don’t want to deplete or shock our bodies when we are cleansing.
The CHANDANNI AYURVEDA LIVER CLEANSE restores the body effectively and efficiently by ridding it of toxins in the liver while nourishing and healing it throughout the process.
Remember cleansing only works well when done intelligently and effectively.
Enough about cleansing. Let’s talk about preparing to put on fancy jumpers, winter coats, and funky hats. We love when the seasons change because it also becomes an opportunity to change the way we live, dress and design our lifestyle.
Here’s one of my favorite Osho excerpts on life’s flow and change:
“Life is experience, and not theory. It needs no explanation. It is there in all its glory, just to be lived, enjoyed, delighted in. It is not a riddle, it is a mystery. A riddle is something which can be solved, a mystery is something which can never be solved. A mystery is something you can become one with, you can dissolve into it, you can melt into it – you yourself can become mysterious.
This is the difference between philosophy and religion. Philosophy thinks that life is a riddle, you have to solve it, find explanations, theories, doctrines. Philosophy thinks that there is going to be some answer, that life is a question mark and one has to work hard at it. Of course, if you take life as a question mark, your effort becomes intellectual. The very assumption that life is a question leads you to more and more intellectual efforts, and in search of an answer, you decide upon theories.
‘Religion says that to take life as a question is basically false. It is not a question – it is there, with no question mark. It is there as an open secret; it is an invitation. You have to become a guest, you have to move into it. It is ready and welcoming, don’t fight with it! It is not a question, don’t try to solve it! It is not a riddle.
Come and become one with it, and you will know it. The knowing will come from your totality, not from the intellect. Intellect is a partial effort, and life needs you to be total with it, to flow with it, so one with it that you cannot feel what is what, you cannot feel where you end and where life begins. The whole of life becomes you, the whole of you becomes life. This is what salvation is. It is not a solution, it is a salvation.” Check Our products here natural beauty cosmetics