I believe all people need balance, healing, and health as the foundation of their everyday lives.
Chandanni Miglino is the Founder and CEO of Chandanni.com. Outside of work, she enjoys painting, running and spinning, but she claims that cleaning the house is her all-time favorite thing to do. Chandani is most proud of the scholarship fund (chandannischolarshipfund.org) she recently launched with her husband, Christopher. The fund brings together kids from underserved communities to places like India where they experience mindfulness and diversity.
“As a child, I was always very up and down. My background was a little tumultuous. I was the child of two Iranian parents born and raised in England. Living and growing up in London was amazing and challenging at the same time.
I was bullied as a child and as I grew up I had this feeling of being incredibly sensitive and wanting to make the world a kinder and better place. After being an actress for many years in Hollywood, the practice of yoga accidentally entered my life and from there, everything changed.
It wasn’t until I began to practice Ayurveda that life came full circle for me and I understood that a person could not achieve full potential or fulfillment in life unless they moved into an integrated state of whole health and healing no matter what their circumstances. The spa industry is a platform ushering in these tools and practices as a sacred and functional space where we can create progressive change.
For me, all people need balance, healing, and health as the foundation of their everyday lives. The spa industry is not only a luxury space, but a revolutionary space that is growing with awareness and importance, day-by-day, as people and the market at-large are seeing its invaluable contribution to our lives and our world.”